With the release of the third volume of Lance Star: Sky Ranger from Airship 27 Productions and Cornerstone Books, we here at Sky Ranger Central talked to the creators, writers, artists, and publishers involved with the latest installment in the Lance Star: Sky Ranger series.
Next up is Lance Star: Sky Ranger writer, Bobby Nash.
LSSR: Tell us a little about yourself and where readers can find out more about you and your work?
BN: I’m a writer of all kinds of stuff that I hope people enjoy reading. I’ve written novels, comic books, short stories, graphic novels, screenplays, articles, press releases, you name it and I’ve probably written it. I love writing and have been very fortunate to do what I love and will hopefully be able to continue to do so. You can find out more about my work at http://www.bobbynash.com/ and http://www.lance-star.com/ among many other places on the web.
LSSR: Who is Lance Star? What makes pulp characters like Lance and the Sky Rangers appeal to you as a writer and a reader?
BN: Lance Star is part Indiana Jones, part John Wayne, and part Robert Conrad. Lance is a man willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done, no matter whether that job entails building or testing a new plane, fighting off a band of pirates, or chasing down a long-hidden treasure. Lance is the kind of guy you’d like to have as a buddy, but he’s definitely the one you’d call when you needed help.
LSSR: Your Lance Star: Sky Ranger story in Volume 3 is called “Open Range.” What can you tell us about this story?
BN: Open Range focuses on Red Davis, one of the Sky Rangers and Lance Star’s oldest friend. After a confrontation with some bad guys, Red wakes up hanging from a tree after having bailed out over a rural farming area. He’s lost and has no way of communicating with his friends. While Lance and the Sky Rangers look for Red, the downed Sky Ranger runs afoul of cattle robbers who use planes to herd their stolen cattle. Red recognizes the rustler. It’s the same plane that shot him down.
LSSR: Airship 27 currently has two Lance Star: Sky Ranger anthologies in print, eBooks, and individual digital editions at iPulp Fiction as well as a Lance Star comic book. What’s next for these pulp heroes?
BN: Hopefully a lot more of the same. There are already plans in place for more comic book stories and digital versions were recently released as a digital PDF at The Illustrated Section (http://theillustratedsection.com/lance-star-sky-ranger-one-shot) and as an App at Graphic.ly (http://graphicly.com/ben-books/lance-star-sky-ranger-one-shot/1). I’ve also assembled three writers (Sean Taylor, Tom Novak, and Andrew Salmon) to join me for volume four of the Airship 27 anthology series for next year and plan to put the finishing touches on the full-length novel, “Cold Snap” by early 2012. It’s a busy time around the old Lance Star hangar.
LSSR: Any upcoming projects you would like to plug?
BN: In addition to the release of Lance Star: Sky Ranger volume 3, there is The Green Hornet Casefiles from Moonstone that just came out. Some titles coming soon include Tales From The Zero Hour Vol. 4 (Blinding Force Productions), Domino Lady Vs. Mummy (Moonstone), The Ruby Files (Airship 27), Games! (BEN Books), Bloody Olde Englund, Operation: Silver Moon, The Danger People (New Babel Books), Blackthorn: Thunder of the Barbarian (White Rocket Books), Green Hornet: Still At Large (Moonstone), The Wraith (Airship 27), and more. I foresee a lot of writing in my future. As always, you can keep up with my projects at http://www.bobbynash.com/.
LSSR: Thanks, Bobby
BN: My pleasure.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Lance Star: Sky Ranger Volume 3 Launch Interview: Shannon Hall
With the release of the third volume of Lance Star: Sky Ranger from Airship 27 Productions and Cornerstone Books, we here at Sky Ranger Central talked to the creators, writers, artists, and publishers involved with the latest installment in the Lance Star: Sky Ranger series.
Next up is Lance Star: Sky Ranger Volume 3 Artist, Shannon Hall.
LSSR: Tell us a little about yourself and where readers can find out more about you and your work?
SH: Well, I am married to my beautiful wife Keshia. We have four kids together. And I seem to have an unusual love for drawing and creating. You can find more of my work at http://shannonh.carbonmade.com/
LSSR: How did you become involved with the Lance Star: Sky Ranger series?
SH: Ron Fortier found me on a comic forum and basically just asked if I wanted to work with him. How could I say no?
LSSR: Who is Lance Star? What makes pulp characters like Lance and the Sky Rangers appeal to you as an artist and a reader?
SH: Lance Star is a no nonsense character that has nerves of steel and a strong sense of honor and duty. Pulp characters like Lance really let your imagination run wild. On any given day, Lance can be found anywhere around the world doing what he does best… saving the day. Imagine the adventures a character like that could have!
LSSR: You provided the cover and interior illustrations for Lance Star: Sky Ranger Volume 3. What can readers expect to see in this edition?
SH: Each story is a polar opposite of the other while keeping with the same continuity. That is one of the really cool things about working on an anthology. All of the stories are equally exciting in different ways.
LSSR: Any upcoming projects you would like to plug?
SH: I signed on to do illustrations for the next Mars McCoy book for AirShip 27. Another great classical style character. That's really all I can talk about now.
LSSR: Thanks, Shannon.
Lance Star: Sky Ranger Volume 3 Launch Interview: Van Allen Plexico
With the release of the third volume of Lance Star: Sky Ranger from Airship 27 Productions and Cornerstone Books, we here at Sky Ranger Central talked to the creators, writers, artists, and publishers involved with the latest installment in the Lance Star: Sky Ranger series.
Next up is Lance Star: Sky Ranger writer, Van Allen Plexico.
LSSR: Tell us a little about yourself and where readers can find out more about you and your work?
VAP: I’m the literary offspring of the mating of a Roger Zelazny novel with a Jim Starlin comic book.
I was writing as far back as junior high school. I always wanted to do big, cosmic space opera stories, either as comics or novels or both. About eight or nine years ago I got serious about it, resulting in LUCIAN: DARK GOD’S HOMECOMING, a sort of SF/Fantasy/murder mystery novel from the first-person perspective of (basically) the Devil. It was published by Airship 27.
Not long after, I found a way to combine my love for space opera novels with my love for superhero comics, and started writing the SENTINELS books—which are (as you might have guessed) novels about a superhero team, set in an SF-oriented modern day universe. Basically these books give me the opportunity to utilize tons and tons of my own interpretations of ideas, concepts, tropes, and elements of the great comics of the last forty-plus years in one big, ongoing storyline.
A couple of years after starting to write the SENTINELS books, I branched out into what has become the New Pulp movement, writing characters such as the Griffon, Sherlock Holmes, Mars McCoy, Gideon Cain, and now Lance Star.
If any of this sounds appealing, folks can learn more at http://www.plexico.net/ or at my Amazon Authors Page: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B002QISYCA
LSSR: How did you become involved with the Lance Star: Sky Ranger series?
VAP: You invited me! And how could I say no? It’s a great character; great milieu; great opportunity to tell a good, fun story with a good cast and all kinds of action thrown in.
LSSR: Who is Lance Star? What makes pulp characters like Lance and the Sky Rangers appeal to you as a writer and a reader?
VAP: For me, Lance is a sort of prototypical Thirties hero with a great supporting cast. These characters are enduring; they will always have great appeal. They are able to rise up and do the hard things that have to be done, that no one else can do, in order to save the day. That is the essence of pulp.
LSSR: Your Lance Star: Sky Ranger story in Volume 3 is called “Thunder Over China.” What can you tell us about this story?
VAP: Several ideas were already bumping around in my head when the opportunity came to write this story. I had been working on a new character—a secret agent operating during the 1930s, who wasn’t the most upstanding kind of guy; sort of rumpled and drunk half the time, yet very effective when the chips were down. I’d also recently read a James Bond novel that involved a plane crash in the Himalayas. And I’ve taught enough Chinese history in my other life as a college professor to know about the Kuomintang. All of this came together in conjunction with Lance and his supporting cast, as well as a fancy-pants British pilot who could give Lance a run for his money, and of course a secret villain society. After that, it just became a matter of typing the story down fast enough!
I think readers will really enjoy it. It has lots of character interaction and conflict, a couple of air battles, and an anti-hero you’ll probably want to punch yourself before you’re finished.
LSSR: Any upcoming projects you would like to plug?
VAP: The latest SENTINELS novel, STELLARAX, came out only a few weeks ago to rave reviews. (Both Kirkus Reviews and Pulp Fiction Reviews had really nice things to say!) It’s the concluding volume in the “Rivals” trilogy, in which what’s left of the team has to face no fewer than FOUR Galactus-level threats at once. Yeah, good luck with that, guys!
All of the SENTINELS books, as well as LUCIAN: DARK GOD’S HOMECOMING, have recently been made available for Kindle and other e-Readers. See Amazon for the Kindle editions and Smashwords.com for the others.
In just a few months, a new anthology I’m editing will debut. (And I’m hoping there will be a Bobby Nash story in it!) All I can say for now is, James Burns (Lance Star: One Shot) is doing the cover, Chris Kohler (Sentinels; Portland Underground) is doing the interior art, and the characters and setting will have readers harking back to a really fondly-recalled animated show a few years back, that involved none other than Jack “King” Kirby. The piece of interior art by Chris that I’m including here might offer the slightest hint. Just can’t wait to get this one out to the public!
LSSR: Thanks , Van.
Next up is Lance Star: Sky Ranger writer, Van Allen Plexico.
LSSR: Tell us a little about yourself and where readers can find out more about you and your work?
VAP: I’m the literary offspring of the mating of a Roger Zelazny novel with a Jim Starlin comic book.
I was writing as far back as junior high school. I always wanted to do big, cosmic space opera stories, either as comics or novels or both. About eight or nine years ago I got serious about it, resulting in LUCIAN: DARK GOD’S HOMECOMING, a sort of SF/Fantasy/murder mystery novel from the first-person perspective of (basically) the Devil. It was published by Airship 27.
Not long after, I found a way to combine my love for space opera novels with my love for superhero comics, and started writing the SENTINELS books—which are (as you might have guessed) novels about a superhero team, set in an SF-oriented modern day universe. Basically these books give me the opportunity to utilize tons and tons of my own interpretations of ideas, concepts, tropes, and elements of the great comics of the last forty-plus years in one big, ongoing storyline.
A couple of years after starting to write the SENTINELS books, I branched out into what has become the New Pulp movement, writing characters such as the Griffon, Sherlock Holmes, Mars McCoy, Gideon Cain, and now Lance Star.
If any of this sounds appealing, folks can learn more at http://www.plexico.net/ or at my Amazon Authors Page: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B002QISYCA
LSSR: How did you become involved with the Lance Star: Sky Ranger series?
VAP: You invited me! And how could I say no? It’s a great character; great milieu; great opportunity to tell a good, fun story with a good cast and all kinds of action thrown in.
LSSR: Who is Lance Star? What makes pulp characters like Lance and the Sky Rangers appeal to you as a writer and a reader?
VAP: For me, Lance is a sort of prototypical Thirties hero with a great supporting cast. These characters are enduring; they will always have great appeal. They are able to rise up and do the hard things that have to be done, that no one else can do, in order to save the day. That is the essence of pulp.
LSSR: Your Lance Star: Sky Ranger story in Volume 3 is called “Thunder Over China.” What can you tell us about this story?
VAP: Several ideas were already bumping around in my head when the opportunity came to write this story. I had been working on a new character—a secret agent operating during the 1930s, who wasn’t the most upstanding kind of guy; sort of rumpled and drunk half the time, yet very effective when the chips were down. I’d also recently read a James Bond novel that involved a plane crash in the Himalayas. And I’ve taught enough Chinese history in my other life as a college professor to know about the Kuomintang. All of this came together in conjunction with Lance and his supporting cast, as well as a fancy-pants British pilot who could give Lance a run for his money, and of course a secret villain society. After that, it just became a matter of typing the story down fast enough!
I think readers will really enjoy it. It has lots of character interaction and conflict, a couple of air battles, and an anti-hero you’ll probably want to punch yourself before you’re finished.
LSSR: Any upcoming projects you would like to plug?
VAP: The latest SENTINELS novel, STELLARAX, came out only a few weeks ago to rave reviews. (Both Kirkus Reviews and Pulp Fiction Reviews had really nice things to say!) It’s the concluding volume in the “Rivals” trilogy, in which what’s left of the team has to face no fewer than FOUR Galactus-level threats at once. Yeah, good luck with that, guys!
All of the SENTINELS books, as well as LUCIAN: DARK GOD’S HOMECOMING, have recently been made available for Kindle and other e-Readers. See Amazon for the Kindle editions and Smashwords.com for the others.
In just a few months, a new anthology I’m editing will debut. (And I’m hoping there will be a Bobby Nash story in it!) All I can say for now is, James Burns (Lance Star: One Shot) is doing the cover, Chris Kohler (Sentinels; Portland Underground) is doing the interior art, and the characters and setting will have readers harking back to a really fondly-recalled animated show a few years back, that involved none other than Jack “King” Kirby. The piece of interior art by Chris that I’m including here might offer the slightest hint. Just can’t wait to get this one out to the public!
LSSR: Thanks , Van.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Lance Star: Sky Ranger Digital Comic Book Now Available At Graphic.ly!
It's official! BEN Books is proud to announce that the Lance Star: Sky Ranger "One Shot!" comic book by New Pulp Creators Bobby Nash and James Burns is now available in digital format at Graphic.ly for only $1.99. http://graphicly.com/ben-books/lance-star-sky-ranger-one-shot/1
Lance Star: Sky Ranger “One Shot!”

November, 1941. Ace Air Adventurer Lance Star accepts a dangerous mission into an enemy stronghold to stop the Nazi’s from uncovering plans for a weapon long believed destroyed. Lance flies a solo mission to Kiev where he is to plant explosives and destroy a weapons facility when he runs into an old enemy. Now, Lance is faced with a choice. Complete the mission? Or take down the Sky Ranger’s greatest adversary? He’s only going to get one shot at this. Will he choose the mission or revenge?
Featuring high-flying adventure, aerial dog fights, explosive action, and stunning artwork, Lance Star: Sky Ranger "One Shot!" is pure New Pulp fun from start to finish.
The Lance Star: Sky Ranger digital edition comic book "One Shot!" is now available at Graphic.ly for only $1.99. http://graphicly.com/ben-books/lance-star-sky-ranger-one-shot/1
Lance Star: Sky Ranger "One Shot!"
Written by Bobby Nash
Art/Letters/Colors by James Burns
30 page Graphic.ly Digital Comic Edition $1.99
"Lance Star: Sky Ranger "One Shot!" is exactly the sort of high-flying, action-packed air war yarn I really enjoy. It's fine pulpish fun from start to finish. Bobby Nash and James Burns are aces!"
-- James Reasoner
The print edition of Lance Star: Sky Ranger “One Shot!” is still available at http://www.indyplanet.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=4019
The Digital PDF edition of Lance Star: Sky Ranger “One Shot!” is still available at http://theillustratedsection.com/lance-star-sky-ranger-one-shot
To learn more about Lance Star: Sky Ranger, visit the official site at http://www.lance-star.com/
To learn more about Graphic.ly, visit http://graphicly.com/
To learn more about Bobby Nash, visit http://www.bobbynash.com/
To learn more about James Burns, visit http://jamesburnsdesign.com/
Lance Star: Sky Ranger “One Shot!”

November, 1941. Ace Air Adventurer Lance Star accepts a dangerous mission into an enemy stronghold to stop the Nazi’s from uncovering plans for a weapon long believed destroyed. Lance flies a solo mission to Kiev where he is to plant explosives and destroy a weapons facility when he runs into an old enemy. Now, Lance is faced with a choice. Complete the mission? Or take down the Sky Ranger’s greatest adversary? He’s only going to get one shot at this. Will he choose the mission or revenge?
Featuring high-flying adventure, aerial dog fights, explosive action, and stunning artwork, Lance Star: Sky Ranger "One Shot!" is pure New Pulp fun from start to finish.
The Lance Star: Sky Ranger digital edition comic book "One Shot!" is now available at Graphic.ly for only $1.99. http://graphicly.com/ben-books/lance-star-sky-ranger-one-shot/1
Lance Star: Sky Ranger "One Shot!"
Written by Bobby Nash
Art/Letters/Colors by James Burns
30 page Graphic.ly Digital Comic Edition $1.99
"Lance Star: Sky Ranger "One Shot!" is exactly the sort of high-flying, action-packed air war yarn I really enjoy. It's fine pulpish fun from start to finish. Bobby Nash and James Burns are aces!"
-- James Reasoner
The print edition of Lance Star: Sky Ranger “One Shot!” is still available at http://www.indyplanet.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=4019
The Digital PDF edition of Lance Star: Sky Ranger “One Shot!” is still available at http://theillustratedsection.com/lance-star-sky-ranger-one-shot
To learn more about Lance Star: Sky Ranger, visit the official site at http://www.lance-star.com/
To learn more about Graphic.ly, visit http://graphicly.com/
To learn more about Bobby Nash, visit http://www.bobbynash.com/
To learn more about James Burns, visit http://jamesburnsdesign.com/
BEN Books,
Bobby Nash,
comic books,
digital comics,
James Burns,
Lance Star: Sky Ranger,
New Pulp,
Lance Star: Sky Ranger Volume 3 Launch Interview: Sean Taylor
With the release of the third volume of Lance Star: Sky Ranger from Airship 27 Productions and Cornerstone Books, we here at Sky Ranger Central talked to the creators, writers, artists, and publishers involved with the latest installment in the Lance Star: Sky Ranger series.
Next up is Lance Star: Sky Ranger writer, Sean Taylor.
LSSR: Tell us a little about yourself and where readers can find out more about you and your work?
ST: I was born in a small outpost on the edge of the planet Xanthum Gumm Major, but quickly transported to earth to begin my people’s takeover of your tiny, backwater world. But until that day is realized, I bide my time as a humble, God-fearing writer of comics and pulp and horror and anything else publishers are willing to pay me to create.
I maintain a not-so-secret outpost in cyberspace that Google and I like to call http://www.taylorverse.com/. There you can find out all kind of cool stuff like where I’ll be appearing at conventions, read samples of my work, and my top-secret plans for world domination. Or you can go to places like anything that ends in a .com and look for seanhtaylor. Chances are, you’ll find evidence of my global takeover there.
Or just go to Barnes & Noble. You’ll find me on the shelves there. Well, not me exactly, but the part of me that lives on in my words.
LSSR: How did you become involved with the Lance Star: Sky Ranger series?
ST: Series owner Bobby Nash and I go back quite a few years, and for some reason he still actually thinks I’m an okay guy. In between all our traveling to and from conventions as the buy-one-get-one-free duo, I guess I finally wore him down and he agreed to let me write for Lance Star just to shut me up.
And that’s the God honest truth, except for the paragraph above.
Actually, Bobby and I had wondered why we hadn’t put our hat in some of the same rings, and when an opportunity to write a Lance Star story came up, the timing seemed right to cross the streams (thank you Ghostbusters).
LSSR: Who is Lance Star? What makes pulp characters like Lance and the Sky Rangers appeal to you as a writer and a reader?
ST: To me, Lance Star is part Blackhawk, part Indiana Jones, part James Bond, part Robin Hood, part Sam Spade, and part Allan Quartermain. I know that sounds convoluted, but when you put all those adventurers in a blender and hit the mix button, you get what I think of when I think of Lance.
Adventure? Check. Good guy? Check. Fights injustice? Check. Get’s the girl? No, but only because he’s already got the one he wants.
Telling a pulp tale with Lance is a way of letting the fun writer inside come out and play without trying so hard to write “Literature” with a capital ‘L.’ It’s the freedom to explore the tropes of fast action, unbelievable situations, dangerous dames, knuckles-to-the-jaw fights, bullets blazing escapism. And personally for me, it’s a way to write characters who just leap from the page and write themselves. The dialog for Lance and his co-stars just flew to the page, and I found myself missing them as friends when the work was done and the story was finished. I’m really looking forward to getting the band back together for a future volume.
LSSR: Your Lance Star: Sky Ranger story in Volume 3 is called “Dance With The Devil.” What can you tell us about this story?
ST: It’s the first appearance in Lance’s world of a true femme fatale, Monique San Diablo, who could be a spy, a thief, a double agent, a potential lover, a confidante or any number of things. I think Lance needed a character who could challenge his notions of good and evil and who could blur the lines in between them and get his motor running in a way that actually makes him consider—even for a mere moment—cheating on Betty. We all know he’s too virtuous to actually do it (Or is he?) but every hero needs that person who tempts him to walk at least a little on the wild side. From there the story gets dangerous fast, with Nazis, stolen paintings from the Louvre, the French police, and even a chase through the catacombs beneath Paris. Beyond that, well, that would spoil the fun of reading it for yourself.
LSSR: Any upcoming projects you would like to plug?
ST: No.
Okay. Yes. I lied.
If you haven’t read the comic book I wrote for the Oxygen Network and IDW THE BAD GIRLS CLUB, with the fantastic artist Martheus Wade, rush over to IDW and take a peek. I’m really proud of that one. I’ll be working with Martheus on the new TURRA: GUN ANGEL series as well, featuring the martial arts cutie who prefers guns to knuckles.
Also, be on the lookout for the new volume of DREAMS OF STEAM, called BRASS AND BOLTS, which features my first steampunk horror tale of serial killers and the dark arts in Victorian England.
Over at Pro Se Productions, there’s PRO SE PRESENTS #1, a re-launch of the magazine, which features my tales “Art Imitates Death,” a horror tale about art, marriage and zombies.
Upcoming stuff I’m looking forward to sharing includes tales of the 1930s gumshoe Rick Ruby for Airship 27, more zombie stories for IDW, some 1950s sci-fi fun with THE DANGER PEOPLE (another partnership between Bobby Nash and me) for New Babel Books, a pulp comic episode with the amazingly talented Jim Ritchey III featuring the all-but-forgotten Golden Age good girl The Blue Lady for Airship 27, and an original sequel to several of H.G. Wells’ stories that I call A STITCH IN TIME: THE RETURN OF THE INVISIBLE MAN for IDW.
And above all else, don’t miss my collection of superhero fiction from New Babel Books, SHOW ME A HERO. It contains every tale I ever wrote for Cyber Age Adventures and iHero Entertainment. It’s a huge volume of original costumed fun and tragedy.
LSSR: Thanks for agreeing to the interview, Sean.
Next up is Lance Star: Sky Ranger writer, Sean Taylor.
LSSR: Tell us a little about yourself and where readers can find out more about you and your work?
ST: I was born in a small outpost on the edge of the planet Xanthum Gumm Major, but quickly transported to earth to begin my people’s takeover of your tiny, backwater world. But until that day is realized, I bide my time as a humble, God-fearing writer of comics and pulp and horror and anything else publishers are willing to pay me to create.
I maintain a not-so-secret outpost in cyberspace that Google and I like to call http://www.taylorverse.com/. There you can find out all kind of cool stuff like where I’ll be appearing at conventions, read samples of my work, and my top-secret plans for world domination. Or you can go to places like anything that ends in a .com and look for seanhtaylor. Chances are, you’ll find evidence of my global takeover there.
Or just go to Barnes & Noble. You’ll find me on the shelves there. Well, not me exactly, but the part of me that lives on in my words.
LSSR: How did you become involved with the Lance Star: Sky Ranger series?
ST: Series owner Bobby Nash and I go back quite a few years, and for some reason he still actually thinks I’m an okay guy. In between all our traveling to and from conventions as the buy-one-get-one-free duo, I guess I finally wore him down and he agreed to let me write for Lance Star just to shut me up.
And that’s the God honest truth, except for the paragraph above.
Actually, Bobby and I had wondered why we hadn’t put our hat in some of the same rings, and when an opportunity to write a Lance Star story came up, the timing seemed right to cross the streams (thank you Ghostbusters).
LSSR: Who is Lance Star? What makes pulp characters like Lance and the Sky Rangers appeal to you as a writer and a reader?
ST: To me, Lance Star is part Blackhawk, part Indiana Jones, part James Bond, part Robin Hood, part Sam Spade, and part Allan Quartermain. I know that sounds convoluted, but when you put all those adventurers in a blender and hit the mix button, you get what I think of when I think of Lance.
Adventure? Check. Good guy? Check. Fights injustice? Check. Get’s the girl? No, but only because he’s already got the one he wants.
Telling a pulp tale with Lance is a way of letting the fun writer inside come out and play without trying so hard to write “Literature” with a capital ‘L.’ It’s the freedom to explore the tropes of fast action, unbelievable situations, dangerous dames, knuckles-to-the-jaw fights, bullets blazing escapism. And personally for me, it’s a way to write characters who just leap from the page and write themselves. The dialog for Lance and his co-stars just flew to the page, and I found myself missing them as friends when the work was done and the story was finished. I’m really looking forward to getting the band back together for a future volume.
LSSR: Your Lance Star: Sky Ranger story in Volume 3 is called “Dance With The Devil.” What can you tell us about this story?
ST: It’s the first appearance in Lance’s world of a true femme fatale, Monique San Diablo, who could be a spy, a thief, a double agent, a potential lover, a confidante or any number of things. I think Lance needed a character who could challenge his notions of good and evil and who could blur the lines in between them and get his motor running in a way that actually makes him consider—even for a mere moment—cheating on Betty. We all know he’s too virtuous to actually do it (Or is he?) but every hero needs that person who tempts him to walk at least a little on the wild side. From there the story gets dangerous fast, with Nazis, stolen paintings from the Louvre, the French police, and even a chase through the catacombs beneath Paris. Beyond that, well, that would spoil the fun of reading it for yourself.
LSSR: Any upcoming projects you would like to plug?
ST: No.
Okay. Yes. I lied.
If you haven’t read the comic book I wrote for the Oxygen Network and IDW THE BAD GIRLS CLUB, with the fantastic artist Martheus Wade, rush over to IDW and take a peek. I’m really proud of that one. I’ll be working with Martheus on the new TURRA: GUN ANGEL series as well, featuring the martial arts cutie who prefers guns to knuckles.
Also, be on the lookout for the new volume of DREAMS OF STEAM, called BRASS AND BOLTS, which features my first steampunk horror tale of serial killers and the dark arts in Victorian England.
Over at Pro Se Productions, there’s PRO SE PRESENTS #1, a re-launch of the magazine, which features my tales “Art Imitates Death,” a horror tale about art, marriage and zombies.
Upcoming stuff I’m looking forward to sharing includes tales of the 1930s gumshoe Rick Ruby for Airship 27, more zombie stories for IDW, some 1950s sci-fi fun with THE DANGER PEOPLE (another partnership between Bobby Nash and me) for New Babel Books, a pulp comic episode with the amazingly talented Jim Ritchey III featuring the all-but-forgotten Golden Age good girl The Blue Lady for Airship 27, and an original sequel to several of H.G. Wells’ stories that I call A STITCH IN TIME: THE RETURN OF THE INVISIBLE MAN for IDW.
And above all else, don’t miss my collection of superhero fiction from New Babel Books, SHOW ME A HERO. It contains every tale I ever wrote for Cyber Age Adventures and iHero Entertainment. It’s a huge volume of original costumed fun and tragedy.
LSSR: Thanks for agreeing to the interview, Sean.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Lance Star: Sky Ranger Volume 3 Launch Interview: Rob Davis
With the release of the third volume of Lance Star: Sky Ranger from Airship 27 Productions and Cornerstone Books, we here at Sky Ranger Central talked to the creators, writers, artists, and publishers involved with the latest installment in the Lance Star: Sky Ranger series.
Next up is Airship 27 Artist and Art Director, Rob Davis.
LSSR: Tell us a little about yourself and where readers can find out more about you, your work, and Airship 27 Productions?
RD: I have been a professional artist since 1986 working in comics, gaming, and now as Art Director of Airship 27's line of books. I have a website that I need to find time to update. The link is: http://homepage.mac.com/robmdavis/index.html
LSSR: Who is Lance Star? What makes pulp characters like Lance and the Sky Rangers appeal to you as a creator, a reader, and a publisher?
RD: Lance is part of a breed of characters that sprang up out of the excitement the public had about the cutting edge adventure of flying at the turn of the 20th Century. Mining this old lode of interest by the public is a lot of fun as a creator as well as a reader.
LSSR: Lance Star: Sky Ranger Volume 3 is now available. What can readers expect in this new edition?
RD: A host of different views of Lance Star and his crew. This book contains 4 stories of high flying adventure from the viewpoint of 4 different writers. It's always fun and interesting to see what each creator brings to the same character- what direction they take in exploring the character and his world.
LSSR: Cornerstone Books and Airship 27 currently have two Lance Star: Sky Ranger anthologies in print and there are Lance Star: Sky Ranger eBooks, iPulp Fiction individual digital editions, and a Lance Star comic book. What’s next for these pulp heroes?
RD: More of the above! As long as people have an interest in Lance and his Sky Rangers we'll keep turning out the best stories we can.
LSSR: The Airship 27 Print-On-Demand library is currently changing venues. Where and when will previous editions be re-released?
RD: I'm hoping to do the catalogue in batches in the next few months as 2011 winds down. There are plans in the works for a new web host for Airship27hangar.com with the possibility of our own shopping cart and FTP services so our creators can get their art and stories to us more directly. So I have a lot of things on my plate regarding Airship 27's catalogue and how we make them available to the public. All this should make it easier and more reliable once I've made all the moves. But it's all going to take some time as we're still putting together NEW books as all this is happening.
LSSR: Any upcoming projects you would like to plug?
RD: I have a number of books in the pipeline. Next up is the latest Jim Anthony volume with a full-length novel, followed up pretty shortly with Mystery Men (and women) Vol 2. with 4 NEW pulp heroes and heroines in it along with my artwork. Airship 27 has at least one book a month possible through the end of the year if everything comes together properly. Airship 27 and my comics publishing venture, Redbud Studio Comics, are co-publishing an anthology of comics stories of public domain Pulp Heroes that should debut in the next month, so stay tuned for that!
LSSR: Thanks for agreeing to the interview, Rob.
Next up is Airship 27 Artist and Art Director, Rob Davis.
LSSR: Tell us a little about yourself and where readers can find out more about you, your work, and Airship 27 Productions?
RD: I have been a professional artist since 1986 working in comics, gaming, and now as Art Director of Airship 27's line of books. I have a website that I need to find time to update. The link is: http://homepage.mac.com/robmdavis/index.html
LSSR: Who is Lance Star? What makes pulp characters like Lance and the Sky Rangers appeal to you as a creator, a reader, and a publisher?
RD: Lance is part of a breed of characters that sprang up out of the excitement the public had about the cutting edge adventure of flying at the turn of the 20th Century. Mining this old lode of interest by the public is a lot of fun as a creator as well as a reader.
LSSR: Lance Star: Sky Ranger Volume 3 is now available. What can readers expect in this new edition?
RD: A host of different views of Lance Star and his crew. This book contains 4 stories of high flying adventure from the viewpoint of 4 different writers. It's always fun and interesting to see what each creator brings to the same character- what direction they take in exploring the character and his world.
LSSR: Cornerstone Books and Airship 27 currently have two Lance Star: Sky Ranger anthologies in print and there are Lance Star: Sky Ranger eBooks, iPulp Fiction individual digital editions, and a Lance Star comic book. What’s next for these pulp heroes?
RD: More of the above! As long as people have an interest in Lance and his Sky Rangers we'll keep turning out the best stories we can.
LSSR: The Airship 27 Print-On-Demand library is currently changing venues. Where and when will previous editions be re-released?
RD: I'm hoping to do the catalogue in batches in the next few months as 2011 winds down. There are plans in the works for a new web host for Airship27hangar.com with the possibility of our own shopping cart and FTP services so our creators can get their art and stories to us more directly. So I have a lot of things on my plate regarding Airship 27's catalogue and how we make them available to the public. All this should make it easier and more reliable once I've made all the moves. But it's all going to take some time as we're still putting together NEW books as all this is happening.
LSSR: Any upcoming projects you would like to plug?
RD: I have a number of books in the pipeline. Next up is the latest Jim Anthony volume with a full-length novel, followed up pretty shortly with Mystery Men (and women) Vol 2. with 4 NEW pulp heroes and heroines in it along with my artwork. Airship 27 has at least one book a month possible through the end of the year if everything comes together properly. Airship 27 and my comics publishing venture, Redbud Studio Comics, are co-publishing an anthology of comics stories of public domain Pulp Heroes that should debut in the next month, so stay tuned for that!
LSSR: Thanks for agreeing to the interview, Rob.
Lance Star: Sky Ranger Volume 3 Launch Interview: Ron Fortier
With the release of the third volume of Lance Star: Sky Ranger from Airship 27 Productions and Cornerstone Books, we here at Sky Ranger Central talked to the creators, writers, artists, and publishers involved with the latest installment in the Lance Star: Sky Ranger series.
First up is Airship 27’s Air Chief, Ron Fortier.
LSSR: Tell us a little about yourself and where readers can find out more about you, your work, and Airship 27 Productions?
RF: Okay, then, here’s the surface facts. I’m 64 (soon to be 65), live in Fort Collins, Colorado and have been writing comics, fantasy and sci-fi professionally for past 35 years. My webpage is (http://www.airship27.com/) where I update a Flight Log every Friday morning. This is the one central place people can learn more about Airship 27 Productions, what books we’ve done and which we have coming out.
LSSR: Who is Lance Star? What makes pulp characters like Lance and the Sky Rangers appeal to you as a writer, a reader, and a publisher?
RF: Lance Star is a character we, myself and several Airship 27 writers, created to emulate the great 1930s aviation pulp heroes like Bill Barnes, Dusty Ayres and G8 to name a few. I’ve always had a fascination for flying and been a huge fan of exciting aviation adventure stories. As a publisher, I believe that appeal reaches thousands of people and so creating an aviation hero for our line was a must in my book.
LSSR: Lance Star: Sky Ranger Volume 3 is now available. What can readers expect in this new edition?
RF: That’s an easy one. They can expect four fast paced action adventure yarns that send Lance and his Sky Rangers all over the globe pre-WWII to combat various threats and villains such as Oklahoma cattle rustlers to Chinese terrorist in the far orient. This volume has more spills and thrills per page than you’d find in a half dozen other titles.
LSSR: Cornerstone Books and Airship 27 currently have two Lance Star: Sky Ranger anthologies in print and there are Lance Star: Sky Ranger eBooks, iPulp Fiction individual digital editions, and a Lance Star comic book. What’s next for these pulp heroes?
RF: Would you believe audio? Yup. Airship 27 Productions is just now partnering with Broke Sea Audio productions to develop sound recording of our titles. Of course we are just in the formative stages of this development and with 39 titles in our catalog, it will be a while before all our books available in this fun audio format. But that is the plan. Once any Lance Star title is produced as an audio book, our readers will be able to buy them on-line as downloaded files, or in beautifully packaged discs offerings. Needless to say we are extremely excited about this New Pulp venture.
LSSR: The Airship 27 Print-On-Demand library is currently changing venues. Where and when will previous editions be re-released?
RF: Right. We recently closed down our Print-On-Demand on-line shop for several sound business practices that needed our attention. Over the next year, we will be uploading all our titles to another such outfit, Ka-Blam and have begun that process. Once a book’s files have been set up there, then the book will be made available via their retail site, www.IndyPlanet.com – Note, one of the reasons for this move was to lower the prices of our POD books. At Indy Planet, all our titles will sell for $15. This is a saving of several dollars from the old shop. Note, all three Lance Star titles have been uploaded and will soon be on sale there.
LSSR: Any upcoming projects you would like to plug?
RF: We’ve just completed our third Jim Anthony Super Detective title, “Mark of Terror” by writer Joshua Reynolds which we hope to have on sale by the end of Sept. See attached cover by painter Jeff Herndon. This is an exclusive first to this site. And our recent release of DAMABALLA by Charles Saunders is still getting overwhelming positive response from the pulp community as it debuts the very first African American pulp avenger ever. It is now available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other reputable book sellers. Finally, a real tease here, we hope to release the first ever full length LANCE STAR – SKY RANGER novel some time in 2012. That’s going to be big.
LSSR: Thanks, Ron.
RF: My pleasure Bobby, thanks for the opportunity.
First up is Airship 27’s Air Chief, Ron Fortier.
LSSR: Tell us a little about yourself and where readers can find out more about you, your work, and Airship 27 Productions?
RF: Okay, then, here’s the surface facts. I’m 64 (soon to be 65), live in Fort Collins, Colorado and have been writing comics, fantasy and sci-fi professionally for past 35 years. My webpage is (http://www.airship27.com/) where I update a Flight Log every Friday morning. This is the one central place people can learn more about Airship 27 Productions, what books we’ve done and which we have coming out.
LSSR: Who is Lance Star? What makes pulp characters like Lance and the Sky Rangers appeal to you as a writer, a reader, and a publisher?
RF: Lance Star is a character we, myself and several Airship 27 writers, created to emulate the great 1930s aviation pulp heroes like Bill Barnes, Dusty Ayres and G8 to name a few. I’ve always had a fascination for flying and been a huge fan of exciting aviation adventure stories. As a publisher, I believe that appeal reaches thousands of people and so creating an aviation hero for our line was a must in my book.
LSSR: Lance Star: Sky Ranger Volume 3 is now available. What can readers expect in this new edition?
RF: That’s an easy one. They can expect four fast paced action adventure yarns that send Lance and his Sky Rangers all over the globe pre-WWII to combat various threats and villains such as Oklahoma cattle rustlers to Chinese terrorist in the far orient. This volume has more spills and thrills per page than you’d find in a half dozen other titles.
LSSR: Cornerstone Books and Airship 27 currently have two Lance Star: Sky Ranger anthologies in print and there are Lance Star: Sky Ranger eBooks, iPulp Fiction individual digital editions, and a Lance Star comic book. What’s next for these pulp heroes?
RF: Would you believe audio? Yup. Airship 27 Productions is just now partnering with Broke Sea Audio productions to develop sound recording of our titles. Of course we are just in the formative stages of this development and with 39 titles in our catalog, it will be a while before all our books available in this fun audio format. But that is the plan. Once any Lance Star title is produced as an audio book, our readers will be able to buy them on-line as downloaded files, or in beautifully packaged discs offerings. Needless to say we are extremely excited about this New Pulp venture.
LSSR: The Airship 27 Print-On-Demand library is currently changing venues. Where and when will previous editions be re-released?
RF: Right. We recently closed down our Print-On-Demand on-line shop for several sound business practices that needed our attention. Over the next year, we will be uploading all our titles to another such outfit, Ka-Blam and have begun that process. Once a book’s files have been set up there, then the book will be made available via their retail site, www.IndyPlanet.com – Note, one of the reasons for this move was to lower the prices of our POD books. At Indy Planet, all our titles will sell for $15. This is a saving of several dollars from the old shop. Note, all three Lance Star titles have been uploaded and will soon be on sale there.
LSSR: Any upcoming projects you would like to plug?
RF: We’ve just completed our third Jim Anthony Super Detective title, “Mark of Terror” by writer Joshua Reynolds which we hope to have on sale by the end of Sept. See attached cover by painter Jeff Herndon. This is an exclusive first to this site. And our recent release of DAMABALLA by Charles Saunders is still getting overwhelming positive response from the pulp community as it debuts the very first African American pulp avenger ever. It is now available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other reputable book sellers. Finally, a real tease here, we hope to release the first ever full length LANCE STAR – SKY RANGER novel some time in 2012. That’s going to be big.
LSSR: Thanks, Ron.
RF: My pleasure Bobby, thanks for the opportunity.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Big News Is Coming!
Bobby Nash,
comic book,
James Burns,
Lance Star: Sky Ranger
Friday, August 12, 2011
Lance Star: Sky Ranger Digital Comic Book Now Available!
November, 1941. Ace Air Adventurer Lance Star accepts a dangerous mission into an enemy stronghold to stop the Nazi’s from uncovering plans for a weapon long believed destroyed. Lance flies a solo mission to Kiev where he is to plant explosives and destroy a weapons facility when he runs into an old enemy. Now, Lance is faced with a choice. Complete the mission? Or take down the Sky Ranger’s greatest adversary? He’s only going to get one shot at this. Will he choose the mission or revenge?
Featuring high-flying adventure, aerial dog fights, explosive action, and stunning artwork, Lance Star: Sky Ranger "One Shot!" is pure pulp fun from start to finish.
Lance Star: Sky Ranger “One Shot!” is now available in digital format (PDF) at http://theillustratedsection.com/lance-star-sky-ranger-one-shot
Lance Star: Sky Ranger
"One Shot!"
Written by Bobby Nash
Art/Letters/Colors by James Burns
28 pages
Digital Comic Edition (PDF) $1.50
The print edition of Lance Star: Sky Ranger “One Shot!” is still available at http://www.indyplanet.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=4019
For more information about Lance Star: Sky Ranger, visit the official site at http://www.lance-star.com/
Lance Star: Sky Ranger and all related characters are © copyright 2011 Bobby Nash. All Rights Reserved.
BEN Books,
Bobby Nash,
comic books,
digital comics,
Illustrated Section,
James Burns,
Lance Star: Sky Ranger,
Lance Star: Sky Ranger Vol. 3 Has Arrived!
![]() |
Cover Art: Shannon Hall |
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Patch Design: Jeff Austin |
In this third volume, Lance and his daredevil Sky Rangers face off against Oklahoma cattle rustlers, Chinese warlords, jungle magic and a saucy British femme fatale who flirts with danger at ever turn. New Pulp writers, Bobby Nash, Bernadette Johnson, Van Allen Plexico and Sean Taylor spin their yarns of incredible bravery and daring among the clouds that will hold the most jaded reader spellbound.
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Interior Illustration: Shannon Hall |
And look for the first ever full length Lance Star – Sky Ranger novel by Bobby Nash coming soon from Airship 27, a leader in New Pulp Fiction.
Airship 27 Productions, Pulps for a New Generation.
ISBN: 1-613420-15-3
ISBN 13: 978-1-613420-15-7
Produced by Airship 27
Published by Cornerstone Book Publishers
Print Edition Release date: 08/25/2011
Retail Price: $16.95
Pdf download $3.00 (http://homepage.mac.com/robmdavis/Airship27Hangar/index.html)
P.O.D. edition coming soon from (http://www.indyplanet.com/) $15.00
Thursday, August 11, 2011
NEW! Lance Star: Sky Ranger Vol. 3 eBook Edition Now Available
Pulp Aviation Ace, Lance Star takes off for another thrill-packed collection of four brand new action tales. In this third volume, Lance and his Sky Rangers face off against Oklahoma rustlers, Chinese warlords, jungle magic and a saucy British femme fatale who flirts with danger. New Pulp witers, Bobby Nash, Bernadette Johnson, Van Allen Plexico and Sean Taylor spin their yarns of incredible bravery and daring among the clouds that will hold the most jaded reader spellbound.
So release the chocks, kick the props and pull back on the stick as adventure once again takes to the skies in Airship 27 Productions latest high flying anthology. All the art for this book was provided by talented newcomer, Shannon Hall, to include twelve black and white interior illustrations and a stunning, fully painted cover. Designed by Rob Davis and edited by Ron Fortier, LANCE STAR – SKY RANGER Vol III is another quality addition to this soaring pulp series you won't want to miss.
Get your copy now at http://homepage.mac.com/robmdavis/Airship27Hangar/index.html#lancestarvolume3
Print edition will be available shortly.
The digital edition is only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format. Some devices require Adobe Acrobat reader available free at this link: http://get.adobe.com/reader/otherversions/
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Cover Art: Shannon Hall |
So release the chocks, kick the props and pull back on the stick as adventure once again takes to the skies in Airship 27 Productions latest high flying anthology. All the art for this book was provided by talented newcomer, Shannon Hall, to include twelve black and white interior illustrations and a stunning, fully painted cover. Designed by Rob Davis and edited by Ron Fortier, LANCE STAR – SKY RANGER Vol III is another quality addition to this soaring pulp series you won't want to miss.
Get your copy now at http://homepage.mac.com/robmdavis/Airship27Hangar/index.html#lancestarvolume3
Print edition will be available shortly.
The digital edition is only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format. Some devices require Adobe Acrobat reader available free at this link: http://get.adobe.com/reader/otherversions/
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Table Talk Returns... But At What Price?
Mike Bullock, Barry Reese, and Bobby Nash are back for another installment of NewPulpFiction's Table Talk. This week, the guys discuss the rising cost of books and what it means to readers, writers, and publishers.
Table Talk: At What Price? with Mike Bullock, Barry Reese, and Bobby Nash is now available at http://www.newpulpfiction.com/.
Barry Reese,
Bobby Nash,
Mike Bullock,
New Pulp,
Table Talk
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Airship 27 Lulu Store Shut Down

Airship 27 Productions Closes POD On-line store.
“Effectively immediately, we have closed down our print-on-demand Lulu shop,” Ron Fortier, the Editor & Chief of Airship 27 Productions announced recently. “Some of their business practices have become questionable and not in line with our goals.”
Since its inception six years ago, Airship 27 Productions has offered their readers two editions of each of their titles. The first was handled by traditional book publisher, Cornerstone Book Publishers of New Orleans. Cornerstone prints the books and distributes them to all reputable book sellers such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble via Ingram Distribution. Whereas the print-on-demand shop was established to offer readers a cheaper copy of the same titles for those readers who preferred not to deal with the bigger sellers.
Towards the end of last year, Airship 27 Productions opened a brand new digital store on-line where PDF versions of their titles could be purchased for $3 and downloaded to various new e-reading devices. Thus providing a third alternative option to readers.
“Both the Cornerstone editions and our PDF on-line store remain in full operation,” Fortier added. “And Rob Davis, our Art Director, will be opening a new P.O.D. operation as soon as we can negotiate with one of the many outfits providing these kind of services. Our goal remains to give our loyal readers the best quality pulp novels and anthologies for affordable prices. The three options scenario has worked extremely well for us and we believe it will continue to do so in the future. For those who bought only from our Lulu shop, we apologize for this temporary inconvenience. As soon as we have a new P.O.D. operation set up, we will make that announcement public.”
This includes Lance Star: Sky Ranger volumes 1, 2, and the upcoming volume 3.
Airship 27,
Bobby Nash,
Lance Star Sky Ranger,
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