Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Airship 27 Lulu Store Shut Down


Airship 27 Productions Closes POD On-line store.

“Effectively immediately, we have closed down our print-on-demand Lulu shop,” Ron Fortier, the Editor & Chief of Airship 27 Productions announced recently. “Some of their business practices have become questionable and not in line with our goals.”

Since its inception six years ago, Airship 27 Productions has offered their readers two editions of each of their titles. The first was handled by traditional book publisher, Cornerstone Book Publishers of New Orleans. Cornerstone prints the books and distributes them to all reputable book sellers such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble via Ingram Distribution. Whereas the print-on-demand shop was established to offer readers a cheaper copy of the same titles for those readers who preferred not to deal with the bigger sellers.

Towards the end of last year, Airship 27 Productions opened a brand new digital store on-line where PDF versions of their titles could be purchased for $3 and downloaded to various new e-reading devices. Thus providing a third alternative option to readers.

“Both the Cornerstone editions and our PDF on-line store remain in full operation,” Fortier added. “And Rob Davis, our Art Director, will be opening a new P.O.D. operation as soon as we can negotiate with one of the many outfits providing these kind of services. Our goal remains to give our loyal readers the best quality pulp novels and anthologies for affordable prices. The three options scenario has worked extremely well for us and we believe it will continue to do so in the future. For those who bought only from our Lulu shop, we apologize for this temporary inconvenience. As soon as we have a new P.O.D. operation set up, we will make that announcement public.”

This includes Lance Star: Sky Ranger volumes 1, 2, and the upcoming volume 3.

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