Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Amazon wanted to know what my New Year’s writing resolutions are for 2017. 

I'm not really a resolutions guy. I plan, sure, but I do that throughout the year, not just at the beginning of the year. Planning requires the occasional restructuring or course correcting as things like real life or publishing issues get in the way. Believe me, they both happen. 2016 was a year where these type of hiccups happened to me a lot. 
If I had to make a New Year's Writing Resolution, I guess it would be to improve my time management skills so I can write more. My 2017 schedule is pretty full, which is great, but if I could improve my writing time that would be beneficial to moving my writing career forward and maybe gets me one step closer to my writing/publishing goals. #poweredbyindie
How about you? What are your 2017 resolutions?

Happy New Year!

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