Friday, June 17, 2011

Lance Star Battles the Attack of the Bird Man!

Attack of the Bird Man
The first Lance Star: Sky Ranger story launches from iPulp Fiction. Frank Dirscherl's "Attack Of The Bird Man!" is now available for your mobile devices.

Lance and his wing­man side­kick Buck Tel­longer head out to the coast of Cal­i­for­nia where flocks of birds are at­tack­ing the pop­u­lace of a small sea­side vil­lage. They are said to be guid­ed by a gi­ant bird-man!

Head on over to and check it out.

Next up is Lance Star: Sky Ranger - Vol.1 #2: Where the Sea Meets the Sky by Bobby Nash on July 07 followed by Lance Star: Sky Ranger - Vol.1 #3: Talons of the Red Condors by Bill Spangler on July 27.

Visit the official Lance Star: Sky Ranger iPulp Library at

For more information on iPulp Fiction, please visit
For more information on Airship 27 Productions, please visit
For more information on author Frank Dirscherl, please visit
For more information on Lance Star: Sky Ranger, please visit

Lance Star: Sky Ranger will return in "Where The Sea Meets The Sky" on July 7

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