Sunday, August 29, 2010

Bobby's Dragon Con Panel Schedule

I will be at Dragon Con in Atlanta, GA (Sept. 3 - 6). Although I do not have a ppermanent table presence in Comic Artist Alley at the Hyatt, I will be moderating and participating in several panels throughout the weekend.

Here is the list of panels that are confirmed. I expect to add more to this list.

Webcomics—More Than Just a Do-It-Yourself
From the early days of strips to the rise and fall of Zuda Comics, webcomics have grown and look to the future’s possibilities. P. Abrams, J. Breeden, B. Nash (M); Fri 11:30 am; Hanover F [H]

Comic Book Scripting 101Interested in writing a comic?
Attend this primer and pick the brains of some of the brightest and best in the business to learn the basics. P. David, P. Abrams, C. Free, B. Nash (M); Sat 5:30 pm; Hanover F [H]

Cyborgs: Building a Better Human
Part human, part machine. The evolution of cyborgs in Sci-Fi! V. Plexico; Sun 2:30pm; A703 [M] {I'll join Van on this panel barring any scheduling conflicts}

Comic Book Marketing 101
How do you get your name and talent out there for people to see, perhaps even pay you? Learn how to market yourself from those who’ve done it well. A. Runton, D. Vasquez, B. Nash (M); Mon 1:00 pm; Hanover F [H]

My Big Fat Dragon Con Experience
What rocked your socks this year? What to you want more of? What was a waste of your time. Be heard. Be counted. Matter. J. Breeden, B.Nash; Mon 4:00 pm; Hanover F [H]

I have also been informed that I will have signing times set aside for me, but at this point I do not know those times. The information booth at the entrance to the Comic And Pop Art Ballroom at the Hyatt should have that information during the con. I'll also have books with me at the panels.

I will try to update as much as possible from the convention, but that is not always easy to do. I will post updates through Twitter most often. You can follow me at @bobbynash or go to

I hope to see you there.


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