Monday, September 26, 2011

FREE COMIC: SURVEILLANCE By Bobby Nash and James Burns

Check Out SURVEILLANCE - A free comic book story by the Lance Star: Sky Ranger "One Shot!" creative team of Bobby Nash and James Burns At
Art: James Burns

Thursday, September 15, 2011

All Pulp interviews Domino Lady vs. the Mummy co-writer Bobby Nash

Cover: Dan Brereton
This Halloween, Moonstone heads back to their monstrous roots with the Return of the Monsters Comic Book Event. Return of the Monsters features four stand-alone tales of pulp’s mightiest heroes facing off against some classic monsters. One of those titles is Domino Lady vs. the Mummy by co-writers Nancy Holder and Bobby Nash with art by Rock Baker and Jeff Austin.

All Pulp sat down with the Bobby Nash to talk about this upcoming book.
You can read the full interview at

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Table Talk - Looking Forward Through The Rear View Mirror

Table Talk, where three writer- umm, authors, discuss the ins and outs of creating fiction for prose, comics and other outlets. This week, Barry Reese, Bobby Nash, and Mike Bullock chat about how far ahead they plot and how far back they work when building their characters.

Table Talk: Looking Forward Through The Rear View Mirror with Mike Bullock, Barry Reese, and Bobby Nash is now available at

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lance Star: Sky Ranger Flies Into Indy Planet

Pulp Anthology Vol. 1
Lance Star: Sky Ranger Flies Into Indy Planet

Airship 27’s Lance Star: Sky Ranger pulp anthologies volumes 1, 2, and 3 are still available to bookstores and on-line outlets via Cornerstone Books. In addition to these outlets, the pulp anthology series joins the Lance Star: Sky Ranger comic book at Indy Planet at a new low price. A quick find search for Lance Star will pull up all four titles.



Pulp Anthology Vol. 2
Ron Fortier & Rob Davis of Airship 27 Production are happy to announce all three volumes of their pulp aviation series, LANCE STAR: SKY RANGER are now available for sale as Print-on-Demand books from ( for the price of $15 each plus shipping handling.
“Eventually all our books will be available at Indy Planet,” Fortier announced recently. “We’ve thirty-nine titles in our catalog and it will take a few more months before all are available there.”

“Readers should log on to the main menu page at Indy Planet and type in the book’s title in the upper right hand search slot,” Fortier continued. “We are thrilled with partnering with Indy Planet and the quality of their product is as good, if not better, then all other POD outfits on the market today.”

Pulp Anthology Vol. 1

If you’ve been at all interested in picking up the entire Sky Ranger saga, you can get all three volumes and the comic book adventure for just $48. Now that’s a steal on any planet.

Comic Book Vol. 1

New Pulp Is...

I'm proud to be a part of the new line of tales called New Pulp with my stories in Lance Star: Sky Ranger, Ravenwood - Stepson of Mystery, Peculiar Adventures, Domino Lady, Green Hornet, and more. One of the questions I'm often asked is-- "What exactly is New Pulp?" The following answer was created by the New Pulp Community.

NEW PULP IS..., plot-oriented storytelling of a linear nature with clearly defined, larger than life protagonists and antagonists, creative descriptions, clever use of turns of phrase and other aspects of writing that add to the intensity and pacing of the story.

While this is an accurate description, it's also quite a mouthful. In  an effort to create a visual representation of the New Pulp definition, I put together a few New Pulp ads using some of the titles I've worked on and thought I'd share them here and at I'd love to hear your thoughts on them.

You can learn more about New Pulp at


All Pulp Interviews Writer Bobby Nash

All Pulp's Joshua Pantalleresco talked to Bobby Nash about his works in both comics, his pulp origins and some of his upcoming projects, including Lance Star: Sky Ranger. Read all about The Secret Origins of Bobby Nash at

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Off To Dragon*Con

Bobby and the staff here at Star Field are heading to Dragon Con in Atlanta, GA for the long Labor Day weekend. If you're at the convention, please stop by and say hello.